Last updated on August 16th, 2022 at 06:06 am
BiographySet welcomes guest posts related with our niche, i.e, biographies, Net worth, life stories of famous personalities and those who are not famous yet have made huge impact in our lives. Now, if you are interested in sharing your relevant content in our site, all you have to do is use the given form below and simply submit your details and the blog post. However, before you decide to send the blog post, please review the following terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
- We only accept the guest articles on the mentioned niches our site entertains. The article should be able to provide useful information with link. The article shouldn’t stand out like an advertisement or convey marketing message to our readers regarding any product or company.
- It would be great if your article is simple, readable and without any grammar errors.
- Your article must consist at least 700 words.
- Your article must be 100 % original with no traces of plagiarism.
- If your article is based on any sources, please cite the authentic source. And please keep in mind to not use any content that would humiliate or hurt anyone’s sentiments.
- You can also provide images (max two) related with the content along with the source.
- You will get permanent back link in or beyond the second paragraph of your article. We do not provide back link in the first para.
You will pay $100.00 for your sponsored article to be published in
- If you are ok with all the terms and agree to send guest posts in the site, please be aware that by doing so you are not a part of the company’s content team or can hold yourself as the member of the blogsite or company.
- All being said, BiographySet reserves the right to reject or accept your posts.
Now that you are all set to send guest post in, we welcome you to fill the form below and advise you to send a draft first for us to review and give you any feedback if necessary. Direct Email :